Draper’s Quarter Century Club was established in 1983 to celebrate, recognize and honor the long-term commitment, excellence and quality of service of those employees who served Draper for 25 years or more.
The Membership consists of Technical Staff, Administrative Staff, Non-Exempt Administrative Support, and Non-Exempt Union employees who have served Draper for 25 years or more.
Mission: Recognize and honor the long-term commitment, excellence and quality service among current employees, honorary members and retirees of Draper.
Click here to read our bylaws.
2025 Draper Quarter Century Club Annual Meeting
Event Information
- Where: 2025 Draper Quarter Century Club Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA.
- When: Thursday, April 10, 2025
- Time: Starts at 5:00pm
- Guests: $65 (QCC member no charge and Inductees can bring one free guest)
- Register: Click here

A collection of news and announcements from our members. Keep them coming! Think of your Draper friends and colleagues when/if you have something to share. This is for all of you – retirees and non-retirees. Send items to qcc@draper.com
We are pleased to celebrate and welcome our newest inductees into the Quarter and Half Century Club.
As you reflect on your 25 years, or 50 years, of commitment to service, be proud that you are joining a privileged group of men and women who have been committed to solving, and will continue to solve, the world’s most challenging and important problems. Congratulations!
2025 QCC Inductees, 25 years
- John Danis
- Derek Holden
- Rosemarie Lopes Evora
- Nora Hannafin
- Charles Barone
- Scott Berry
- Francis Rogomentich
- Lance Page
- Louis Shraytah
- James Bickford
- Russell Smith
- Mark Mescher
- Joseph Kochocki
- Stephen King
- Phillip Bari
- Ernest Kim
- Patricia Carr
- Edward Prunier
- Shawn Armacost
- Caroline Bjune
- Linda Williams
- Karma Nyimotsang
- Jason Goodman
- Richard Stoner
2025 QCC Inductees, 50 Years
- Philip Hattis
- James Ogletree
Officers and Board of Directors
Quarter Century Officers
- Steve Marinelli, President
- Peter Falcone, Vice President
- Julie Whatley, Treasurer
- Andrea Matos, Secretary
Board of Directors
- Deb Doherty
- Jacky Bonarrigo
- Ralph Todino
- William Corrigan
- Deb Doherty
- Jacky Bonarrigo
Technical Staff / Administrative Staff
- Mike Murphy
- Charles Chamallas
Non-Exempt Union
- Ralph Todino
Member at Large
- Steve Marinelli
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