Prepare to be inspired by the remarkable stories of Draper Scholars as they display innovation, collaboration, and resilience from their experiences here. From undergraduates starting their journey into the world of technology to become professionals pushing the limits of what is possible, each Scholar brings a unique perspective for driving change and discovery.
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Meet Our Scholars Who are Redefining Limits

Kristen Ahner
University of Colorado, Boulder | AeroAstro | PhD

William Babincsak
WPI | Robotics Engineering | PhD

Aaron Baumgart
Brown University | Physics | PhD

Morgan Blevins

Ireland Brown
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Timothy Cheng
Tufts University | Mechanical Engineering | PhD

Adam Eckstein
Purdue | AeroAstro | MS

Elijah Dabkowski
Harvard University | Data Science | MS

Eric Joseph Elias
MIT | AeroAstro | MS

Derek Gess
MIT | Materials Science and Engineering | MS

Ava Giorgianni

Daniel Gochenaur
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Timothy Goulet
Purdue University | AeroAstro | MS

Dylan Green
Brown | CS | MS

Laurel Hilger
GA Tech | Materials Design & Development | PhD

Peter Hsi
Tufts University | Biomedical Engineering | PhD

Jacob Huckelberry
Harvard University | Data Science | MS

Rebecca Jiang
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Jeffrey Johnston
Northeastern University | Data Analytics | MS

Julie Johnston
MIT | Mechanical Engineering | MS

Tzofi Klinghoffer
MIT | Media Arts & Sciences | PhD

Sarah Leary
Bioastronautics at CU Boulder | PhD

Jiho Lee
University of Colorado, Boulder | Aerospace Engineering Sciences | MS

Emmett Lepp
Tufts University | Mechanical Engineering | MS

Zihan Lin
MIT | Materials Science (DMSE) | PhD

Eric Liu

Angelina LoCricchio
MIT | AeroAstro | MS

Andrew Malnicof
WPI | Electrical and Computer Engineering | MS

Alex Markoski
Brown | Bioengineering/Biomedical Engineering | PhD

Alexander Montes McNeil
Northeastern University | EECS | PhD

Ryan Menges
University of Colorado, Boulder | Aerospace Engineering Sciences | PhD

Alex Meredith
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Brian Mills
MIT | Materials Science | PhD

Mitchell Miller
Harvard University | Data Science | MS

Kyle Mitard
WPI | Electrical and Computer Engineering | PhD

William Mo
University of Colorado, Boulder | Biomedical Engineering | PhD

Alexander Moody
University of Colorado, Boulder | AeroAstro | MS

Michelle Anh Nguyen
Boston University | BioMolecular Pharmacology | PhD

Erik Pryal
MIT | Mechanical Engineering | MS

Gregg Puttkammer
Purdue University | Statistics | MS

Oliver Rayner

Augustus Richter
GA Tech | Electrical and Computer Engineering | PhD

Jillian Ross
Purdue University | AeroAstro | MS

Ben Rossano
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Dominic Rudakevych
University of Colorado, Boulder | Applied Mathematics | MS

Haripriya Sakthivel
Purdue | Biomedical Engineering | PhD

Nathan Schatz
MIT | AeroAstro | MS

Hannah Shafferman
MIT | AeroAstro | MS

Kian Shakerin
University of Colorado, Boulder | AeroAstro | PhD

Anja Sheppard
MICH | Robotics | PhD

Kieran Smith
University of Colorado, Boulder | AeroAstro | PhD

Timothy Smith
MIT | AeroAstro | MS

Kyle Sonandres
MIT | AeroAstro | MS

Aneesa Sonawalla
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Melania St. Cyr

Chloe Stults
Brown | Electrical and Computer Engineering | PhD

Jessica Sun
MIT | Biological Engineering | PhD

Sucheta Tamragouri
WPI | Biomedical Engineering | PhD

Edward Tang
Harvard University | Data Science | MS

Christopher Tommila
MIT | AeroAstro | PhD

Michael Topper
University of Colorado, Boulder | Physics | PhD

Joseph Urban
BU | Biomedical Engineering | PhD

Giselle Ventura
Tufts | Data Science | MS

Charles Wade
University of Colorado, Boulder | Computer Science | PhD

Eric Wendel
Boston University | Systems Engineering | PhD

Finnian Westenfelder

Graham Williams
University of Colorado, Boulder | Mechanical Engineering | PhD

Katrina Winkler
UFL | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | PhD

Kevin Zhang
GA Tech | AeroAstro | MS